Jensen Associates is regularly nominated as Lead Surveyors and Technical Correspondents on behalf of our clients. In this role, we undertake the management and supervision of surveys at various locations worldwide. This is especially valuable when urgent surveys are required in locations where access to independent expert knowledge of perishable products is known to be very limited.
We are our clients’ guarantee that the matter receives high level of attention to detail, thereby ensuring that all facts relevant to the case are obtained at the survey, enabling an objective and unbiased evaluation of the case and subsequent efficient handling of any claim.
Survey Management

Through our management we further take all measures possible to ensure timely reporting and communication to our client, without our client having to chase up the surveyor for status updates or reports.
Both the actual survey and aftermath is closely monitored, and we play an active role in ensuring that e.g. lab testing and possible salvage is handled in a professional manner, thereby assisting proactively in loss limitation.